Dear Paulina

Dear 15 year old me,

The guy you have a crush on? Trust me, there will be many after him who say “all the right things.” You’re smart to wait, I promise.

I know it’s hard and you feel like you have to compete with other girls. I get it. But you really don’t need to. You shouldn’t have to. Girls can be mean in high school, but its your girls who will carry you throughout your life and keep you sane. Find your tribe and be kind to the rest. There’s no use in making enemies.

You have good things to say and your kindness will make people believe they can walk over you. Don’t let them. Speak up. You’ll be afraid but you’ll do fine. Respect yourself and know you deserve better.

You’re going to learn so much and believe in some great things. Remember to keep an open mind and ask questions. It’s okay to doubt, to wonder, and to explore. It’s also okay to change your mind.

You’re going to feel things that don’t feel right. That hurt. That are inexplicable. There is nothing wrong with you. Don’t let them consume you or tell you lies. Let other people in and be honest. You have a lot of people who care about you and want to help. Figure out what’s best for you.

There are going to be some shitty people in your life but there are going to be so many great ones. You’ll make some friendships that don’t last and you’ll make some that last for a life time. You’ll fall in love more than once and you’ll get heartbroken more than once. It’s going to suck but you’re going to become a better person because of it. It’ll help you realize a lot about yourself and you’ll find that it fuels your creativity. So don’t be scared to let yourself fall. Be careful, but also trust your heart. When things end, walk away gracefully and with self respect. You’re going to be okay.

There will be moments when you’ll have to make hard decisions. Give yourself time to make them. And if fear is one of the things stopping you from making the choice, choose the harder option. You’ll thank yourself for not playing it safe.

Life is hard but it also has so much to offer. Don’t let insecurity stop you from making the best of it. Jump in with your clothes on. Take that road trip. Kiss him on New Year’s. Tell him how you feel. Ask the questions. Send that text. Tell. Your. Story. Don’t apologize for who you are because you’ve got a hell of a lot to give to the world.


Yours Truly

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